

Aspiring filmmakers beginning their journey and embarking on a career in the industry require serious determination and vision. This is something LFA alumni and Filmmaking graduate Bence Berkes has in spades. 

本斯在LFA开始了他的bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作学习,并于2018年毕业, he also completed an MA at Anglia Ruskin University before going on to secure countless First Assistant Director and Director roles within the Hungarian film industry.

现在, LFA毕业后四年, 被推进了bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作的世界, 我们想了解本斯的最新情况. Delving into what the future holds and talking about everything from life at LFA to working on big productions.


My filmmaking journey wasn’t a traditional one and didn’t begin until my late teens. 在那之前,我是一名狂热的足球运动员,但是, 在2014年的夏天, I worked in Italy as an entertainer for campsites and hotels and it changed my outlook completely. This opportunity to work with new people and perform on stage every day was something I found myself enjoying. 那时我就知道我想成为一名演员. I was successful in being accepted into an acting school in Budapest and by the autumn of that same year classes had begun. 对于年轻有为的演员来说,这是一个绝佳的地方, 它使我能够在一些匈牙利bwin体育苹果下载iOS中表演, but I slowly began to realise what I loved was being the other side of the camera.

That’s when my filmmaking journey began and after completing my high school studies, 我知道我必须继续提高我的导演技巧.



I appreciated the importance of editing and cinematography and how this told the narrative, but I also knew (having been a former actor) the significant role being able to communicate your creative vision to all involved played. 经常, I would find directors from the university were unable to instruct and talk to their actors effectively, but I knew what I would have wanted to hear when I was in that position. This gave me a unique perspective and has helped me with my directing journey. 尤其是当我在做 Keresztanyu(教母) 关于匈牙利劳教所的黄金时段电视连续剧, 我的第一份正式工作是什么,作为一个电视连续剧的付费导演.

How did you find transitioning from being a student to the world of work?

在完成我的bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作文凭和硕士学位之后, 然后是安格利亚鲁斯金大学, 我回到LFA担任一个角色, 最初担任招生协调员, 之后成为技术和后期协调员, 哪个更符合我的兴趣.


当我还是LFA的学生时,我总是感到被支持. 我的想法、感受和想法总是被倾听和重视. LFA remain to be a student-focused learning environment, which was a crucial aspect for me. I look back fondly at my time at LFA and knew that one day I would want to teach and nurture up-and-coming students in the same way I had been. I voiced this and was subsequently offered the role of Admissions Coordinator while completing my MA studies. I loved this opportunity and the team but knew this sector wasn’t my calling, which led me to the role of Technical and Postproduction Coordinator.

What did the role of Technical and Postproduction Coordinator teach you?

This was an opportunity to put the last two years of my degree into practice, teaching students the importance of understanding all that goes into filmmaking and experiencing a 亲自动手的 role in the process.

What else did you learn during your time at LFA, as both a student and member of staff?

我在LFA的时光, 尤其是作为一名学生, taught me to appreciate the different personalities I will encounter in the industry and how to manage them. It’s given me a new understanding of how to resolve stressful and tricky situations, 这是非常宝贵的知识.

Do you feel LFA prepared you for entering the film industry and workplace?

我认为LFA让你为bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作的现实做好了准备, 你体验到真实, 亲自动手的, in-the-field moments and see the entire process from script writing and pitching through to pre and postproduction. It feels like a real and accurate model for what you’re likely to experience.



I finished my studies in 2020, then I began working on short films and an online series. It was a great time, spent building connections and learning from doing. 我还被邀请在伦敦制作一部低成本故事片, 哪一个是我的第一个高薪大机会, 2020年1月. Filming was to commence in June, and we were in the process of gathering our crew and then COVID hit. 我也拍了 Elvtarsak(同志) a short film in Hungary in 2020 but didn’t complete the post-production until 2021.


我回到匈牙利,继续写短片, 希望在新冠疫情后,它能有所作为. 匈牙利的限制比其他地方放松得更快, 这意味着拍摄可能在2020年夏天恢复. So, 我联系了一个朋友,他认识某个制片人, 谁在找除颤器, 随后被邀请加入团队.

This was a lifeline and enabled me to survive COVID and I couldn’t wait to jump back into film projects.



我得说是 一个基拉 (王)系列. I was the First Assistant Director, and it was the biggest production I have ever worked on. 对匈牙利观众来说,这是一个宏大的故事, 这部bwin体育苹果下载iOS是根据一位著名的匈牙利歌手的生活改编的, 在2001年去世之前,他基本上就是我们的弗雷迪·默丘里. 一个国家正在等待解放, and it was amazing to be part of something so monumental and positively received.

我对自己的辛勤工作感到感激, 不仅仅是朋友, 家人和同事,还有公众.



It’s an exciting time, as we’re gathering the crew for the third season of an upcoming series called Mellékhatás(副作用). This will begin later this month and will be a project with around 80 to 90 filming days from September to December.

Finally, what advice would you give to your younger self starting their journey at LFA?

多听导师的话. 当我回首往事, I don’t think I absorbed or listened to my tutors enough and I would love to retake their classes with the knowledge I now have. So, pay attention and make the most of it while you’re exposed to so many knowledgeable and skilled industry professionals.

It was fantastic to chat with Bence and we hope you’ve enjoyed learning a little more about a fantastic LFA alumni and their filmmaking journey. We wish Bence the best of luck with his next filmmaking endeavour and can’t wait to see what’s next for him…

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